Chiropractic Care, A Holistic Health Care Approach
Chiropractic is a multifaceted healing art that assists and facilitates the natural corrective and reparative abilities of the human body. The human body is a remarkable, multi-system organism that functions via reflex and feedback properties that maintain a state of optimal health and function. A chiropractor is a highly trained and educated practitioner with expertise in various methodologies that influence these inherent properties to restore optimal health and function when the body is in a state of disease. Furthermore, chiropractic care offers a unique approach and philosophy to prevent disease rather than only treat disease.
Recommendations and education in lifestyle and dietary changes, ergonomic considerations, and exercise will facilitate the overall well-being of the individual in an effort to improve and extend the quality of health and life.

Diagnosis and treatment plans are established through physical examination, orthopedic and neurological procedures, and X-rays.